The way RNA vaccines Actually work:
-The RNA vaccine releases a bunch of tailor made RNA fragments into your body,
-at which point a kind of immune cell which specializes in picking up random fragments of stuff floating around in your body that it doesn’t recognize, replicating a bunch of that thing onto its own surface, and then going to other kinds of immune cells and telling them to attack that thing they picked up if they see it.
-The vaccine RNA fragment gets picked up instead, and instead of just trying to reproduce it the immune cell recognizes it as containing instructions and reads what it says instead.
-The RNA fragment basically says, “make a ton of copies of this spike-protein and then just kind of spit them out everywhere.”
-The immune cell does that until it’s naturally short lifespan runs out and it dies. The vaccine RNA fragment is destroyed with the cell.
-By a few days after the shot there are no longer ANY vaccine RNA fragments left in your body and no cells are still around which are executing the instructions encoded in said fragments.
-There are now a ton of spike-proteins floating around in your body, other immune cells encounter all these spike proteins. Your immune system assumes that it’s dealing with an infection and produces a bunch of antibodies primed to attack the spike-proteins or anything which has them attached to it.
-After a few weeks all of the spike-proteins have been destroyed, metabolized, or fallen apart. The only thing left in your body are the antibodies designed to attack spike proteins.
-Now when your body gets exposed to COVID virus, which are covered in those same spike proteins, it’s antibodies immediately attack and destroy the viruses before they get a chance to infect too many cells and self replicate out of control in vital parts of your body.