>>49602200>>49602197Japanese people reactions to Xenoblade 3
>主人公がホモ面男のゴミゲーThe main character is a homosexual man's garbage game.
>これは売れないわ ヒロイン微妙すぎThis won't sell The heroine is too subtle
>やっぱ任天堂もエロ要素はこれから排除する方向にいってんのか?After all, is Nintendo going in the direction of eliminating erotic elements from now on?
>なんかヒロイン微妙かなと思ったけどホムラ、ヒカリ見たいなヒロインだとポリコレが騒ぎだして販売中止にされるから無理なんだろうな、これも時代の流れかねthought the heroine was subtle, but Homura, if it's the heroine I want to see Hikari, it's impossible because the political correctness makes a noise and the sale is canceled, isn't it?
>今回のキャラクターは全然好みじゃないわ せっかく大物タイトルだし もうちょっと頑張れなかったのかよI don't like this character at all. It's a big title, so couldnt they try a little harder.
>グラフィックがしょぼいのは仕方ないとはいえ キャラクターが微妙すぎる 全くワクワクしないわThe graphics are sloppy, but the
characters are too subtle and I'm
not excited at all.
>さすがに露出は抑えてきたかDid you really suppress the exposure?
>1、2も面白かったから買うけど キャラがパッとしないんだよな今回はI bought 1 and 2 because they were fun, but the
characters aren't so good this time.