>>49619388Nice cope. hey told you production on Gen VI was hampered by reversing the decision to dexit the series then, you're shown eviudence of how challenging it is to just "port models" (there was also an obvious LGPE-era Omanyte model in SS's pokédex done at the same time as soitoise up there) and you still flee into the "th-they don't have the tools" cope.
Game Freak don't have the tools either, they don't make games for adults, thus need to continuously to continue hooking in the kids to sustain themselves and don't have the time to work and get all pokémon in-game. But as proven, kids don't care if everything doesn't get in, not putting everything in hasn't affected sales of any title released under its ethos and wets like you still think you're something other than an amoeba compared to the brand's draw.