>>49734652This shit having a sequel was a terrible fucking idea in the first place, and not because i thought the movie was overall horrendous, i actually thought it had some great parts, but it was too inconsistent, so it's overall a 6.5/10 movie. The reason that a sequel was a terrible idea is that this was very clearly a Proof of Concept film that tied all of its loose ends and left no space for a sequel. Reynolds stopped being a Pikachu and everything went back to normal. There was no more reason for a specific Detective Pikachu to exist anymore. This movie was just a beta test to see if they could do the whole CGI Pokemon with Live Actors gig, and for most part, i'd say it worked. The visual aspect was alright, but the scrip was mostly bad. A non-Detective Pikachu movie can definitely work. Fuck Detective Pikachu