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About tomorrow's announcement

No.49748286 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>"Mr. Masuda has been particularly secretive about the projects to be announced in this February's Pokémon Presents. However, he's always had known rites that he follows. One week before announcements, he controls his anxiety by calling in the entire Red Light District of Shibuya into his office – and telling them to bring all their cocain with them. Then for days GameFreak becomes a horror show, as we must work for the next paid DLC while hearing Masuda and Ishihara piss away all the dev money with drugs and prostitution."

>"I've not been long in GameFreak, so I don't know the ins and outs like Ohmori does. So one day I was upset that there more whores going in and out of the studio than lines being added to the code and I went to complain with Ohmori, who was developing our next Sun/Moon titles for the 3DS, in his office. Awful idea"

>"Ohmori's office has so much porn I am sure it could land a few years in jail if he were ever caught. Apparently Mr. Turner, the game's artist, was chosen by Ohmori himself due to the 'sexy minor in a booty-shorts that Turnet had drawn for Masuda in some previous game'. Turns out Ohmori had been using his role as director to make GameFreak-hired talent produce his own porn, mostly portraying umconfortably young girls — like the sick fuck Ohmori is, in Masuda's own words."

>"So, the week before any Pokémon Presents is always hellish at the studio. Few days ahead and the only thing anyone has in their heads is heroin. Masuda wants to go ahead with the Let's Go Teddiursa thing, but he's not sober yet, so he can't tell Teddiursa from Marrill anymore. The announcement will be likely Mystery Dungeon 2 or the 35 dollars PLA DLC that is pretty much a huge checklist for people to fill while traversing an empty prairie. — They will buy it anyway —, assured Masuda while blowing cocain off a hooker's ass."