>>49784986lmao. Fuck you, youre just spouting buzzwords about shit you dont know. Why would people think the pokedex research and crafting shit was what define pla when everybody is talking about the mechanic overhaul and how it now blends seemlessly in an open world environment. Or pla is so dead thats why they named the update, because it would be the only one it gets, make it special, not something that imply the cycle of a day. Youre just a disingenuous retard who dismiss anybody that will call youre bullshit out and will deform the truth to act dishonestly. Nobody likes swooshit because its the same retarded shit as on the 3ds with even less shit to do and more retarded shit blocking your initiative. And you had to pay half the price of the game to get the less shitty stuff added. It was a fucking scam that worked on retards like you and youre an asshole for ignoring what people dislike about swooshit and what they like about pla to make stupid comparison like that. Just fucking keep playing bdsp, this game was made for dummies like you and just got a beautiful update that im sure youll find comfy.