>>49787107I mean, Nuzlockes being dumb is basically the whole point of the original run/comic, they are just a dumb thing you can try to spice a run up and it works better for some games (generally the latter ones due having wider encounter variety and OP Exp.Share and in the case of SwSh LOLEXPCANDIES) then others, the issue is when people take it too seriously and overstate it.
They are basically on the way out anyway because without Random Encounters the "deal with the hand you are dealt" factor is pretty much gone, people are trying to cope with "Just close your eyes when you enter a new route until you hear the battle music" and stuff like that though.
I think XY might be the ideal "Nuzlocke" games if i remember encounter distribution and route amounts right, but they also shower you in good giftmons and i know a ton of Nuzlockers consider giftmons fair game.