>>49794086>KantoNormal, is the basic region
>JohtoFlying, a region full of towers rising to the sky, also the fist region when you fly away from the initial kanto
>HoennWater, half of it is water and its story is about rising or lowering the level of the sea
>SinnohDragon, the region is a legend on it self, where all begins and also all could end
>UnovaDark, it got a darker story about breaking bonds between humans and pokemon. Dealing with the light and dark aspects of training pokemon.
>KalosFairy, its pretty and launched the fairy type
>AlolaPsychic, its all about light, cosmical power and connecting with your pokemon
>GalarSteel, a region with the hardest trainers. Also is a region that can endure any kind of cataclysm like the darkest night.