>>49826886Not him, but I'm Brazilian and lived in the Georgia state for a few years when I was still in school.
In general, they just think it's a hispanic country like Mexico. A good amount can't even point it on the map, and I met a guy who didn't even know what Brazil even was kek. It doesn't particularly bother me since with time I understood that their ignorance is not really ill intended, it's just that the culture that gets pushed to them since birth is very self-centered unfortunately. Plus Brazil has much worse problems.
By the way, most of the racism I got for being """hispanic""" came from black people lol. I have never met a group more racist than black Americans. Most blacks I personally know in Brazil are honestly chill and not very different from whites culturally. But I only met one black American which was cool and my friend at school at Georgia, but most others were insufferable.