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Pokémon Scarlet and Violet

No.49874309 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Generation 9 takes place in the Vasco region.

Sprigatito's final evolution, Meowsquerade, is a Grass/Fighting type that punishes mischevous Pokémon by fencing with its blooming rapier. It seems to be inspired by the puss in boots.

Fuecoco's final evolution is a Fire/Ghost serpentine-like dragon with aztec-looking features and a huge mane of feathers. It is named Lavalord and has a gluttonous personality. It suffers from really bad heartburns and often burps lava.

Conquaxtador, a Water/Steel type, is inspired by an admiral but also incorporates a few pirate-esque elements. It is proud and pompous and likes to show off its numerous shiny medallions.

Some new Vasconian forms include:

Cutiefly (Bug) -> Rizombee (Bug/Dark)

Cutiefly takes on a goth look and evolves into a decaying Ribombee wearing the scales of the regional butterfly Pokémon as some sort of armour.

Tentacool (Poison/Ghost) -> Tentacruel (Poison/Ghost) -> Tentaghoul (Poison/Ghost)

Tentacool and Tentacrool take the form of the portuguese caravel jellyfish, with a translucid body and a depressed look. They also gain an evolution, Tentaghoul, with enourmous proportions and the stature of a ship.

Skiddo (Fire) -> Gogoat (Fire/Rock) -> Baahemoth (Fire/Rock)

They've adapted to harsh, volcanic areas in the Vasco region and now sport a more radical look. Skiddo is covered in black ashes and Gogoat sports horns made of volcanic rocks. Baahemoth stands on two legs and holds a scepter with volcanic crystal, it looks somewhat demonic.

Luvdisc (Water)-> Luvmenot (Water/Ghost)

Luvdisc gains a new heartbroken evolution with sorrowful eyes. It is quite cute, actually!

Heliptile (Grass/Water) -> Heliolisk (Grass/Water)

Helioptile turns green and sports teary eyes and a bald head. When it evolves into Heliolisk, it sprouts a huge lilypad. They also now have a huge green beak that makes them look perpetually sad for some reason. 10/10 designs.