The pokémon timeline has been expanding since they earnestly started making it a series (that means, they can decide a game happens 100 years in the past of their modern world as the events of the past helped form the world of the present).
>>49889791Because /vp/ is autistic and can't understand the events of Legends had already taken place, even if we're only seeing them for the first time this year. Stable time loop: Lucas appears in Hisui > calms the rampages, notarises the land, fucks all the pretty women and pokémon > returns to future/lives his life till its natural conclusion (he controls the God of Time and even the God of Everything deigned to lend Her power to him, I'm not convinced he doesn't go home, but as we're not outright told, it's still up in the air) > time passed > his parents get born > they grow up and meet > they marry and have Lucas > he grows up > defeats Cyrus' plans on his way to becoming Sinnoh's Champion (both a callback to his role as Arceus' champion in the past and his actual title in the modern era) > turns 15 and gets ganked out of the present to help the Original One.
Mind a LOT of normies' heads start breaking as soon as you introduce Time Travel into a plot.