>>49897104a bunch of shitty games, mostly
usum was the first game to introduce pokemon mid-gen, basically sm with more content at the cost of a worse story
kanto got remade again, introduced two new mythicals, but otherwise it's worse than frlg and from here onwards there will be no more games with every existing pokemon programmed in
sword and shield featured a tiny region, a terrible story, the first dark-type gym leader, axed a bunch of moved and mechanics and introduced something to replace megas/z-moves - and yes, it was abandoned immediately afterwards
then it got some dlc - it's expensive considering how shallow the base game is, but is unfortunately the only parts of anything to do with swsh that are worth playing
diamond and pearl got remade - barely, including next to nothing from platinum and fucking up half of everything else
it's still waiting for advertised features to be implemented
legends arceus is pseudo-open world and focuses on studying pokemon and crafting items, battle system got revamped and turn order depends on speed and what moves you use - it's short and there aren't many mons available, but it's actually kind of neat and it got a free update with some decent battle modes
scarlet and violet are using a similar overworld system