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Here's one I just made up, r8
>starters are grass/normal, fire/dragon, and water/flying, all of which have "unique" hidden abilities that give them STAB on another type (Fairy, Rock, and Dark, respectively)
>the open world is actually really big, about one and a half Hisuis in size. areas include a massive desert that's really hot during the day and really cold at night, a coastal cave system that floods based on time of day, and a jungle that trainers aren't normally allowed into due to how maze-like it is
>there are 18 gyms spread across the region, and you need a total of 8 badges to challenge league. some of them scale with your badges while others don't, the gym in Ebalona town near the start of the game has a level 60 tyrantrum in it
>hidden hollows and grottoes return, but rather than containing one thing, they're little areas with rare pokemon in them, including starters, regional forms, and psuedolegends.
>all of the ride pokemon styles from PLA return, but you can use your own pokemon to do it, as well as Diving being added.
>new mons include a crossgen evo of tauros, a mushroom wizard, and a chicken that changes type based on time of day