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This fucking board man.

No.49974394 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I enjoy pokemon. The games are fun to me. I like to play with weaker, unconventional teams if possible, and I play on set without using items in battle. Likewise, I never grind, and usually end up underleveled. This, for me, creates a decent level of challenge. Oftentimes these restrictions allow otherwise dormant aspects of certain battles shine through, like how not having a pokemon with protect, detect, etc can make Norman quite tough.My most recent battle with Norman took me several tries to win, and each try was a slow, arduous battle of me trying to figure out how survive his slakings long enough to whittle them down, slowly, getting close but not quite winning, and needing to rethink my strategy. Similarly, I get to discover hidden uses of many underpowered pokemon. Spinda getting teeter dance and hypnosis for example, allowing it to be an amazing mon for incapacitating stronger mons quite effectively. All of this is incredibly fun for me to experience and discover. You can imagine, then, my frustration at the ABSOLUTE INABILITY for me to discuss this stuff here. Merely attempting to do so brings an onslaught of
>*posts overleveled starter*
>Bro just use [insert direct counter to boss battle]
>How are you THIS bad at a fucking children’s game?
>[Super effective type] exists bro
Guys. Fuck, Guys. Jesus fucking christ, GUYS. I fucking know. I know. Pokemon is an easy game. You can always catch a counter to any battle, you can always grind or use just one mon to overlevel, you can always spam items, I FUCKING KNOW. There’s a million ways to beat these games easily. You aren’t smart, you aren’t cool, and nobody is fucking impressed just cause you can point that out for the millionth time. There’s so many potential discussions I could have here but can’t because some of you think its your god given duty to make sure everyone knows that a CHILDRENS GAME is EASY. Revolutionary discovery guys, congrats.