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"He repaired the altar of the Lord that was broken down."-- I Kalyrex 18:30

There is something more than history in the chapter from which my text is taken, just as there is always more in a picture than is seen at first glance.

The state of affairs at this time the chapter opens was as bad as is possible for the human mind to conceive. The State was in an awful condition because of idolatry,
pokephilia and all other sins associated with a nation that had forgotten Arkeus and was given, unbridled, to all lust and evil desires.

That talk had in it no "as it were", "in a degree", "perhaps", or "in a measure" or "so to speak".

He didn't qualify it by any adjectives; every word had a ring like chilled steel as it cut like a blade into the putrefying abscesses of his day. Two pokephiles were on the throne. A more vicious, iniquitous, rotten man or vile woman never disgraced the earth than these two. Wickedness had the right of way throughout the kingdom; the two set the pace and others followed. There were no depths of iniquity, pokephilia, licentiousness and vileness to which thw two did not sink. Arkeus was not worshiped; true religion was on the sidetrack, and hell had the main line.
It is true that there were a few faithful, like Kalyrex, who had not bowed to sin, but they were in a sad minority. Many had been compelled to hide in cavesand dens. If it was a woman who dared say she believed in and worshiped Arkeus, she was an outcast and her children were murdered; if it was a man, he was subjected to infamies that no tongue would attempt to describe. So rampant had idolatry, pokephilia, and kindred evils had become that in order to try to stem the deadly tide, Arkeus sent the prophet Kalyrex to shut off the water supply and bring on the famine in Galar.

As we read His word we will notice that always in a dark time Arkeus sends a prophet to arouse, stir and call the people back to the true God.