>>50009464>>50009502It's not a joke. This guy has a genuine raging hate boner for Johto and Gen 2. Like, he's actually obsessed with it. He's made multiple 30-60 minute videos explaining why "Johto is objectively the worst region" and it all pretty much boils down to "haha feraligatr has no o", "reee why didn't they pander to nuzlockers in this 20 year old gameboy game" etc.
He's a fucking disgusting virgin and all his followers are friendless basement dwelling neeks who interact and worship him to substitute for their empty social life.
Also, I love how it's now socially acceptable to shit on Johto, but if you tried any of the shit this guy did with say, Unova, you'd probably get murdered IRL.
Just fuck off and stop defending this widespread focused slander campaign against Johto.