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No.50009961 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>unironically wears a fucking cape
>ugly cringe spiky hairstyle
>horrible sense of fashion overall
>tryhard team with 3 Dragonites and a Charizard
>only strategy he has is to spam Full Restores
>gets BTFO by an 11 year old who takes his Champion's spot
>gets BTFO by another 11 year old 5 minutes later
>gets to be Champion again only because the real Champ and the other guy who should have replaced him got bored
>proceeds to get BTFO by yet another 11 year old
>butthurt about Pokémon being forced to evolve early in the Johto games
>all 3 Dragonites under level 55
>tries to be all serious
>everyone laughs at him when he walks by
>couldn't even stop bootleg Team Rocket by himself
>ugly as shit
>has a small penis
>will never ever touch a woman