>>50038592Distribution is ridiculous because most routes and locations are infested with some combination of staple Pokemon from start to finish (and even bleeding into postgame) while everything else is tucked away under rare encounters or obscure methods, all of which due to the fact that the Pokedex is stuck at a limitation of 151 so Masuda can jack off to nostalgia pandering.
This isn't even a Kanto-only issue either in terms of distribution woes. You can sum up a vast margin of locations in Sinnoh in terms of Wild Pokemon variety with Starly, Bidoof, Budew, Zubat, Geodude, Onix, Machop, Abra, Meditite, Bronzor, Buizel, Tentacool, Wingull, Psyduck and their respective evolutions. Even all the way in Victory Road, you're not meeting anything new, it's the same old blend of Graveler, Golbat, Steelix, Machoke and Medicham.