>>50054027Before long, we're at our destination and she lets go of me, dropping me onto a pile of bones; I can only hope these aren't human bones! I can hear loud squeaking coming from around me as I spot a large group of Noibats soaring around the tower, watching me and their mother excitedly; they must have been waiting for her!
Perched on the edge of the broken tower, the Noivern turns to face me; her ears twitching with excitement as she tilts her head to the side, taking me in. Her bright yellow eyes are piercing, like a predator staring down its prey—her red nose twitching again as she leans closer. Then, without hesitation, she hops down off the ledge, landing in the pile of bones with me. As she walks around me, inspecting me, I can see drool spilling from her jaws; she's salivating at my sight and scent, eager to try out her new toy.
Before long, she's circling me; bones crunching under her feet as she moves around me, as if she's trying to find a weakness—I guess my broken body isn't enough. Suddenly, she stops; she's found her weakness...
She looks me in the eye before lowering her gaze down to my groin; I follow along and I can see what she's looking at. I can't feel my lower body, but I can see that it's working on its own; my cock is somehow straining against my pants like it has a mind of its own. I don't want this, but she doesn't know that; her eyes narrowing as she stares me down. She gives me a quiet chirp, almost like she's inviting me, and lowers her face down to mine. Her breath smells like berry juice—sweet and tangy—and she gives me a quick lick over the face.
Next thing I know, she pulls back, sitting on her haunches like she's waiting for me to do something; probably undress myself. I can't, even if I wanted to, my arms are still like jelly from before. Losing patience, she lifts her head and lets out a shriek, causing the other Noibats to take to the skies in a panic; like she wants to be alone for what's next.