>>50065797Terriermon, Kotemon, Koemon, Palmon, Algomon (Child), Arkadimon Child, Angoramon, Jellymon, Hagurumon, Candmon, Swimmon, Tyutyumon, Otamamon, Monitamon, Lalamon, Yanmamon, Ghostmon, Dracmon, Kokuwamon, Kunemon etc. are all child Digimons that don't have that kind of eyes. Moreover, they're just anime eyes. Nothing wrong with that. It's like criticizing Toriyama Akira for always using the same eyes (which he do more than Watanabe Kenji and that's fine)
Can we talk about Pichu, Pikachu, Raichu, Dedenne, Plusle, Minun, Pachirisu, Emolga, Togedemaru, or Morpeko being basically the same thing?
>>50066520I always felt like a Digimon could be a RPG character. Not saying they are but they have the same level of detail than a character or a boss from Tales of (Velvet for the belts, Alphen for the dark armor etc.), Dragon Quest and others series with the exception of a few ones that use simpler designs like Disgaea. They still have their own style but I'm fine with that. The only Digimons I agree to be overdesign are things like Sleipmon X-Antibody or Ogudomon X-Antibody. Outside of that, you really need to have low IQ to not understand what you see in their design. On the other hand, for me, Pokemons just look like cheap plastic toys from a Kinder Surprise. Basic forms, with color put with the bucket tool, bad use of lightning with just some lighter circles above and darker zones below, delimited by slightly curves lines only, a lack of normal details like fangs or claws (yes, with few exceptions like Mightyena, but the majority are like that). I'm never surprised by a Pokemon design, or if I am, it's always negatively (Dracozolt, Arcozolt...). Colors always follow the Pokemon type, evolutions are 95% of the time predictable. I'm always done with analyzing their design after 5 seconds because you have nothing to see and never feel the need to come back.