>>501037213/5 of these are designs I like, Gogoat's a solid if otherwise plain design and Simisage and Simipour are pretty nice designs that I think do a good job differentiating themselves more so than their pre-evolutions. Watchog's just kinda unappealing, I mean that's true of more regional rodents then not but given early game Gen V also gives the player Lillipup, I basically never use Watchog ever.
As for Simisear, I dunno, there's just something so wrong about the design, the face looks like he just knew he fucked up and the smoke/steam collar doesn't particularly mesh well with the flame elements of his design. Then there's the hands, whereas Simisage and Simipour just have fully cream-coloured hands, Simisear has what I can only describe as long-sleeve fingerless gloves which just makes his fingers look like they were slapped on rather than being part of the limb. His weird body shape doesn't help either, both Simisage and Simisear have fairly rectangular shaped bodies and its clear from Simisage that its tufts of fur around his waist that looks like sort of ill-fitting jeans. Whereas Simisear has this weird pear shape with the fur directly following his body shape.