almost none of them
key (for the dots):
-green is really liked
-yellow is liked
-no color is meh
-blue is bad
-red is REALLY bad
-black is a special tier of bad reserved for the utterly irredeemable
fuck Ultra Beasts, cool designs that don't fucking belong here and robbed the lore of any impact (admittedly kinda just finished what Hoopa and ORAS started, but doubling down is just as bad as doing that in the first place)
so many incredible concepts executed SO fucking badly (Incineroar, Araquanid, Midnight Lycanroc, A-Dugtrio, Turtonator, I can go on)
so much over-the-top cartooniness and exaggerated gOoFy designs that everyone chastises Galar for (Salazzle, Oricorio, A-Raticate and A-Persian, A-Golem, the aforementioned A-Dugtrio, Midnight Lycanroc, Turtonator, Buzzwole, and Incinieroar)
so many evolution lines that end worse than they started (Litten, Salandit, Morelull, Popplio, Crabrawler)
atrocious mythicals that the series would be far better without.
honestly a dex of nothing but mistakes, i'd even give up the few pokemon I really did like for a complete reboot of all these cool ideas or just this dex being erased from the franchise forever.
mosquitos, cockroaches, diving bell spiders, yeti crabs, werewolves, toucans, humuhumunukunukuapua`as- all of these animals deserved so much better than what they got, good fucking god.