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Why are people

No.50240395 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I honestly don't get it. Why are you defending this shithouse series? It's honestly not getting worked up about.

>someone posts another monster series.
OVERDESIGNED, EDGY, Pokemon is the toppest of tops .No one else can make monsters? Common people?!

>someone posts another rpg
derivative, shitty, it will never be as good as pokemon

Honestly the series was never good.
>games had static sprites for 4 gens and reused N64 models up until the wii
> The anime is endless without conclusion
>shitty games without much after thought
>if you want a real battle you have to actually cheat in the original and have iv/ev invisible stat shit training post gen 2
>INB4 filtered
no one should have to dedicate that much time to that shit regardless.
>smaller studios have made better games with better sprite animations years before the main series caught up

I honestly don't get it?