Hey guys, did you know that in terms of dead memes being shoehorned to death by normies, Vaporeon is the most obnoxious Pokémon meme on the internet? Not only was it never funny to begin with, which most Pokemon memes aren't, Vapereon is a four-legged feral creature. This means people who are attracted to this pokemon are into Beastiality shit, and with amount of people forcing this meme to death, there are alot of dogfuckers. Due to the fact that this shit meme came from here, there's no doubt in my mind that you guys all need help psychotherapy for your shittastes as soon as possible. Most of the meme is just headcanon bullshit and you can easily tell that the OP never had a sexual encounter in his lifetime. No other Pokémon comes close with this level of obnoxious meme spamming, to the point where people posts the first phrase of the meme in every Vaporeon pic on social media. Also, fun fact, you're not quirky and hilarious for being a pokephile. Vaporeon is literally a dead meme and it's time fans catch on and stop spamming this shit everywhere.