Played 99% of the whole franchise, dumped thousands of hours on some of them, plus all the IV breeding I've done without access to hacked Dittos from Japan, and I've only seen maybe three shinies total.
>>50292485Some players get upset at losing the rarity of the whole mechanic and shinies becoming "nothing special", but there's an overall net gain in enthusiasm, as most normalfags aren't too keen on ultra-super-secret rare stuff in games that they have to grind for thousands of hours to get, and normies make up 99.999% of the fanbase that plays the franchise now.
If they made shinies that common, it'd be cool if they had an even rarer shiny color for each Pokemon, too, a third color scheme to unfuck some of the shitty shiny colors and give players another reason to pad out 10-hour RPGs into 10,000 hour breeding fests.