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Water monster>can shoot water and breathe underwater Fire monster>can shoot fire. or lava, if you're one of special few Electric monster>can shoot electricity Psychic monster>can use telekinesis (including self-levitation), telepathy, teleportation, seeing the future, warp space-time, create black holes, erase memories, eat dreams, make you fall asleep, create invisible walls, attack with psychic energy waves, elicit some vague cosmic power from the stars, use RPG/stage/classical mage magic, control emotions and/or thoughts, heal themselves or others, create portals, usually has super high intelligence, CAN JERK YOU OFF WITHOUT TOUCHING YOU Seems unfair.
>>50298768 Psychic was a catch all term for a bunch of shit. Half the moves don't involve ESP and some of the pokemon come from space. The moves should've been split into other types like Gen 2 did with Dark. Maybe add a space/cosmic type. Instead we got the faggot Fairy type.
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>>50298768 No Pokemon can shoot lava, those are just fancy attack names
>Lava Plume: The user torches everything around it in an inferno of scarlet flames. >Magma Storm: The user envelops the target in a maelstrom of fire. Those moves are still using fire
>>50298800 The commonly suggested Magic Type wouldn't work because pokemon are already magic. When Lapras uses Ice Beam, that is literally magic even if it isn't called that in-universe. And in a universe with abundant magic as well as advanced technology, having a Type for magic itself is extremely underwhelming and very, very boring.
But Cosmic Type can work really well. The criticisms people usually bring up are all really stupid, in reality Cosmic could work out really well in fact
>Inb4 one of the aforementioned stupid criticisms Anonymous
>>50298768 >erase memories >make you fall asleep >control emotions and/or thoughts You just described the CIA with Project MKultra.
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>>50298768 > Seems unfair. That’s literally this entire franchise In a nutshell. This is the same shithole franchise that goes out of their way to worship Kanto while shitting on Johto on every opportunity, then have the audacity to claim “they are very passionate about Pokémon and each and everyone of them is important to us”
>>50298851 Fairy is the magic type.
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>>50298851 I still prefer sound as a new type tbqh
>>50298800 >Psychic was a catch all term for a bunch of shit. That's pretty much how most Pokemon types work though.
>Dragon: There was no indication of what was unique or special about these moves until "dragon energy" was introduced as a concept, otherwise it's just the same shit every other type does, but better because dragons >Fighting: All forms of martial arts, plus ki manipulation >Ghost: Doesn't really have anything to do with ghosts, it's all just shadow magic. Some Pokemon are ghost-like, some merely have ghost-like powers such as Decidueye, who uses its shadow powers to hide and manipulate the trajectory of its arrows >Dark: Covers dirty fighting (physical) and dark energy (special) >Steel: Catch-all term for any form of metal. Physical attacks involving attacking with metallic body parts, special attacks are beams of light/energy. >Bug: See Dragon >Normal: Anything that doesn't fit into another type goes here You get the idea, Pokemon types are deliberately designed to be as all-encompassing as possible.
>>50298868 Yes but you should be aware what the word magic means. Which is....nothing basically, the definition of magic is completely different based on the fictional setting and context. So don't be confused, just because 2 different things are called "magic" doesn't mean they are the same thing.
>Psychic is World of Warcraft magic >Fairy is Disney princess magic >Dragon more or less is raw mama or arcane magic Very different stuff, all using the same catch-all word.
>>50298868 All of the magician-based Pokemon are Psychic type, every move with "magic" in name is Psychic type, and the move "Magic Powder" is Psychic type, is exclusive to a Psychic type, and turns the target into a Psychic type.
All types represent a form of magic, but stage magic and wizard magic have continued to be represented by Psychic, even after Fairy's introduction. Fairy's moves either involve light manipulation, or being playful.
>>50298922 Then there's Spirit Break, which sounds like and looks like it'd be a Dark type move, but it's Fairy because, uh.... pink light comes out of Grimmsnarl's torso while using it?
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>>50298955 A lot of fairy pokemon have the ability to sense or soothe emotion and I guess Spirit Break is suppose see to be an inversion of that where it uses emotion to hurt you instead
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>>50298856 Psychic types are into some kinky mega perverted shit
Do dark types even like, HAVE any powers? Dark is more like a little tag notifying everyone that they use dirty battle tactics. There did not seem to be a general power or whatever that dark types have.
>>50298800 Fuck you. Fairy type is based.
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>>50301145 Fairy types that a mystical nature monsters like Florges and the Tapus are based.
Fairy types that are just pink and cutesy like Sylveon and Slurpuff are not based.
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>>50301133 All types have powers, even Normal.
>>50301133 On the physical side, yeah, all of Dark's moves (when the Physical/Special split happened, all of the previously existing Dark type moves became physical), are fighting dirty.
On the special side though:
>Dark Pulse: The user releases a horrible aura imbued with dark thoughts. >Fiery Wrath: The user transforms its wrath into a fire-like aura to attack. >Nasty Plot: The user stimulates its brain by thinking bad thoughts. >Night Daze: The user lets loose a pitch-black shock wave at its target. Much like how Steel had to encompass light in order to have any special moves, Dark went from fighting dirty to fighting dirty AND actual dark energy powers.
>>50298768 Psychic MasterRace Supremacy
Join the Psychic Cult
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>>50301580 What happens inside the psychic cult
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>>50301145 >Fuck you. Fairy type is based. Yeah, based on a bunch of gay shit
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>>50301133 >Do dark types even like, HAVE any powers? Dark is more like a little tag notifying everyone that they use dirty battle tactics. There did not seem to be a general power or whatever that dark types have. Dark-types are capable of weaponizing their malice by converting it to energy for attacks. Almost every darkness-wielding villain character in media does something like this. Examples include Ganondorf from Zelda, Raven from Teen Titans, Koichi from Digimon, and DOZENS of other examples.
I'm genuinely baffled that there are still people who don't understand this. It's so intuitive to me.
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I always thought dark types' special power was a dark aura they all have. Like if you stand near them their presence will radiate an innate supernatural scariness or intimidation. This can also manifest as a sort of dark charisma that makes people admire you and want to be influenced by you even though you are very clearly malicious. Or the dark aura could hide intentions, basically dampening your outward appearance so that you don't SEEM dishonest or with ill intent when you actually are, making your motivations invisible or just hard to read. Also cunning. Being dark type seems to grant supernatural powers of deceit and stealth rather than dark types merely commonly having these traits by chance of their own accord. Like, I don't think dark type sneakiness and cunning is just from them, I think being a dark type literally boosts these skills to make you SUPERNATURALLY sneaky and cunning, it seems like their uncanny cleverness actually IS the superpower and they utilize it in many colorful ways for their moves.
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Bugs have to power to be bugs
>>50298768 What does normal monsters do?
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>>50304635 Normal type just seems to be regular attacks, pure energy (Hyper Beam), or sound waves (Hyper Voice, Boomburst)
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>>50298851 >>50298868 >>50298900 >>50298922 Why do people always forget about Ghost when talking about magic? Mismagius the Ghost is a witch, the battle item that powers Ghosts is called a Spell Tag, and many Ghost moves are dark magic, like Hex, Curse, Spite, Grudge and Destiny Bond.
>>50298885 It was literally proper ghosts until decidueye decided to fuck it all up to be fair.
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literally all pokemon are magic, you are all autistic.
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>>50301534 Dark basically transforms their own hatred into energy.
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>>50304796 >Sableye >Giratina >Golurk >Hoopa And in the same gen as Decidueye:
>Alolan Marowak >Sensu Oricorio >Blacephalon >Mimikyu Gen 7 is where it became most prominent, but the idea of Ghost Pokemon just having ghostly powers instead of being actual ghosts was already there.
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>>50301133 It's like in anime, where the martial artists develop chi/ki/aura through discipline, hard work, and training. But the bad guys also have a version of that, except it's way easier to get but requires embracing the evil in their heart.
That's sort of what fighting and dark type energy attacks are.
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>>50298768 How big is Abra supposed to be?
It looks huge in that pic.
>>50298900 What is:
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>>50305697 I don't know what is Mimikyu but I like it!
Additionally, it's a Ghost/Fairy dual type! I think that combination it's pretty cool.