>>50316147This is my first game since gen 3. Keep in mind one thing, that I played gen 3 as a pre-teen, so my tastes may have changed... However I found SwSh to be good games. Particularly the DLC when your Pokemon actually follow you around which I adore... The main game, the only real grievance I had was Hop. The game is easy yes, but it's made for small children... The Pokemon selection and designs are also rather bad. I didn't even catch 90% of the Pokemon because they looked like shit.
On the Isle of Armor and Crown Tundra, there are many more actually good looking Pokemon, and I found myself catching quite a few of them unlike in Galar. I also traded some of my disgusting inferior Galar forms with that chick who appears in the IoA, and got a non-cringe Linoone and Meowth and all sorts of stuff. The Diglett guy gives you attractive Mons too.
The Galarian Star Tournament should cap levels like Battle Tower...
Overall I like this game a lot with the additional Pokemon and content in the DLC areas. I prefer it to RBY and GSC. Without the DLC the Pokemon selection is too shitty.