Time to assume things about people. Also, my obvious want of something that will never happen is obvious
>>50382462You enjoy memes and anything you consider 'cool'. Bit of a edgelord, but pretty chill.
>>50382600Besides enjoying best type, you like pokemon you have developed attachments to from playing, regardless of popular opinion
>>50382799As you said, edgy in cute, but not in a way where you're overt about either. Not in peoples face about things.
>>50382831You have a strong preference for the newer games in the series. You also really want whatever is coolest at the time to you, but a soft spot for anything cutesy.
>>50383059You don't care about how strong a pokemon is. You have a slightly edgy aesthetic, but nothing overbaring. Likes technology alot
>>50383065You prefer weird aesthetics and unique designs to cool, cute, or strong. Probably gay.
>>50383708Your starter is your best friend, no matter what the game, otherwise you prefer to present tough. Slight feminine edge you hide, however.
>>50383800You have a fondness for story in any video games, over anything else, and you really liked Gen 3.
>>50383844You REALLY like things that are adorable, without sacrificing strength. You probably own a lot of stuffed animals.
>>50384030You greatly value edge and trickery, and don't really think of others feelings too much. However, you do care a bit, you just tend to come off a bit fucked.
>>50384254You REALLY like archeology and paleontology, and probably are also a huge ass history buff.
>>50384286You really like designs with blades or other weapons of some sort, especially on the arms. Also are quite friendly, despite a negative atmosphere you give off.
>>50386105You pprobably play the pokemon tcg. You take things a bit too seriously, and youhave a fondness for anything "majestic"
Will cont soon.