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Create a new set of legacy protags and give them a partner shillmon
Post a pokemon with a name that sounds like it could belong to an African American
>Vanilla McSelfinsert- basic nice guy protagonist. Partner is Riolu, who can speak telepathically but has an extremely limited vocabulary
>Mrs. Comic Relief- cocky, loud, nuerotic, complete idiot. Partner is Mudkip
>Angsty Jobberson- vegeta. Uses Cyndaquil
>Nerdy Waifu- sassy, sarcastic can destroy your fragile male ego with a look. Vanilla's girlfriend. Doesn't battle often but uses Eevee.
Not enough kanto? Fret not. A wild pikachu makes a reoccuring appearance to create all kinds of wacky antics and one of the more competent rivals uses charizard(yes, THE charizard from kantoooooo)
Additional notes
>Angsty and Comic argue a lot Vanilla de-escalates and Nerdy instigates
>Vanilla also uses [most recent grass type starter]
>Comic is Jessie's daughter and uses her wobuffet (father is never stated but implied to not be james)
>Angsty's Cyndaquil hates the previously mentioned Charizard and has a massive inferiority complex
Post a pokemon with a name that sounds like it could belong to an African American
>Vanilla McSelfinsert- basic nice guy protagonist. Partner is Riolu, who can speak telepathically but has an extremely limited vocabulary
>Mrs. Comic Relief- cocky, loud, nuerotic, complete idiot. Partner is Mudkip
>Angsty Jobberson- vegeta. Uses Cyndaquil
>Nerdy Waifu- sassy, sarcastic can destroy your fragile male ego with a look. Vanilla's girlfriend. Doesn't battle often but uses Eevee.
Not enough kanto? Fret not. A wild pikachu makes a reoccuring appearance to create all kinds of wacky antics and one of the more competent rivals uses charizard(yes, THE charizard from kantoooooo)
Additional notes
>Angsty and Comic argue a lot Vanilla de-escalates and Nerdy instigates
>Vanilla also uses [most recent grass type starter]
>Comic is Jessie's daughter and uses her wobuffet (father is never stated but implied to not be james)
>Angsty's Cyndaquil hates the previously mentioned Charizard and has a massive inferiority complex