>>50428906Emerald Kaizo had a lot of changes and one of them was to explicitly make grinding gay aids in true Kaizo fashion.
It sprinkles in tons of Pokemon with explosion and shadow tag in places that look like they'd be good grind spots and past the first few routes the random encounter rate is set to 1% so getting even a single encounter can take several minutes.
You can play around the 1% encounter rate by getting a sweet scent Pokemon, except the level up move sets were also changed to lock sweet scent behind the move relearner on all Pokemon except Bellsprout.
In other words if your Nuzlocke didn't get a Bellsprout, you can't even grind and need to reset.
Getting any grinding done in Emerald Kaizo is a good chunk of its difficulty and outright ignoring it is just not respecting the vision of the game.