>>50480783>Unironically, your average japs still think the societies at the rest of the world still stuck in the 90'sRan into something like this.
In my Japanese classes in college, there were two TA's. One did her own thing, but the other was super interested in seeing what america was like, and now and then would try to organize daytrips and the like.
Her mind kept being blown because it wasn't the 90's anymore. I remember, we went by a mall's weeb shop, and she was actually weirded out that several of the exact same shows that were current in Japan had merch and shit in that shop. When she'd gotten here, I think she'd thought DBZ or One Piece were what everyone was into.
It was kinda funny.
Also, totally unrelated, if you have a Japanese friend and you want to do something really fucking cool for them, take them to Sequoia. Somewhere between the mindset, the religion, I don't know, the fuckhuge trees blow their mind.