I find it pretty hard to care. I remember seeing Diamond and Pearl listed years in advance, and a point where we only had Munchlax, Rukario, Manene, Usohachi, Manyura I remember when Platinum was announced in CoroCoro, when the gold and silver balls were on Pokémon Sunday and the Friday when the website updated. I remember the Zoroark silhouette in December 2009, the Zoroark and Zorua reveal (and also the third Ranger game) in January, the website update with the names Black and White. I remember whatever Pokémon Sunday's successor was called revealing B2W2 and the shock that they were going to a sequel. I remember getting up early to watch the Pokémon Direct in 2013 that announced XY, and realizing beforehand that if they were going to announce a new game everywhere at once, it would likely be released simultaneously worldwide for the first time.
But my hype just kind of dissipated over time. I can vaguely remember ORAS being announced, and I don't remember any announcement after that except for BDSP, PLA, and SV, but that's because they were recent.
I don't really see why I should be excited. I had reasons to look forward to the games back from 2006-2012, and those reasons are the series history. And since then, XY, ORAS, SM, USUM, LGPE, SwSh, DLC, BDSP, and PLA have been released. While I'm undecided about PLA, I have a pretty bad taste in my mouth from everything else.