New favorite is Enamorus but before It was Latias and Froslass. Honorable mentions to Jynx the original humanoid female monster, and as weird as she is she's not that bad but I still don't get her connection to christmas in the anime, maybe It's a swarte piet type one (spelt It wrong I'm sure) which would explain a lot.
I think the whole Florges line is great and that the Flabébé with the eternal flower form that was given as an event is just a cherry on top with the story, Lilligant is cute and Vespiqueen is beautiful but she's too hard to get in her original introduction game, I think Game freaks remembered that and made Salazzle less hard to find thanks to her, Salazzle's shiny looks cool, Illumise is very forgettable Tsareena is not my fave by default, the galar additions aren't bad, the two mons are cute too and the vulture mon is one bird for sure, one of my favorite bird pokemon.
Top 5 would be : Enamorus, Latias (mega or not), Froslass, Jynx, Flabébé eternal flower
>>50543008I kneel.