>>50581384He supposedly leaked that there would be a 4th kami (genie) in Legends Arceus, which ended up being true (Enamorus) He then started making posts regarding SV. HOWEVER, no one can find the original thread he supposedly posted, there's no evidence of this claim other than a googledoc shilled by Eclipse who has no information. This could be real, but it could very easily not be. Especially since, somewhat suspiciously, a lot of the images here are things Khu has hinted towards, (Tauros regional, Dunsparce regional/evo, a Water/Ground mon regional in this case being Wooper/Quagsire) meaning they could just be playing it safe. Still wait for a while before jumping to any conclusions. If we end up seeing a couple churro, leech, cockatrice, and meteor/fireball mons I think we can trust it.