I like the concept of seeing past and future versions of Pokemon, but I HATE that "future" seems to mean "just toss a bunch of machines on it". Do people think that in a few hundred or a thousand years the wildlife will all be cyborgs with machines grafted onto their bodies? That our pet dogs will be half-machine?
People generally liked the Hisuian variants, seeing past forms of some Pokemon. The idea of future versions could have worked too, but I would have preferred to see their concept of natural changes from the environment and breeding would have had on them, like most regional variants.
At least something like Genesect has a reasonable explanation to it's exitance, being that it was an organic creature that died, humans then took it's body and rebuilt it as a weapon. And while I found stuff like Blastoise's cannons stupid you can probably get away with going "Oh, those are just bone" or "Oh, it compacts iron from the water into that as it evolves". Something naturally making a short hollow tube isn't too out there.
But there is no possibly way to explain "Oh, it naturally HAS FUCKING JET ENGINES FOR LEGS". It's fucking stupid.
And if the explanation is that it's man-made then how is it a Pokemon instead of just a robot? On top of how lame it would be for the box legendary to just be a man-made machine, it would also be unoriginal to try to pull another "Oh, yeah, it's body is a machine but it has the soul of a dead Pokemon or whatever" like they already did with Magearna.
Basically, I hate "natural" Pokemon that have advanced machine parts on their bodies.