I think the base form starters are the best looking of the 3D era. But that's not quite a high bar, and the evolutions will definitely ruin them. But they have a good variety in body type and none stand out as bad.
The new pokemon designs too so far don't look bad. Usually I have at least one in the initial reveal that I think looks awful but these are all fine so far. Kinda bland, but fine.
Legendaries also look decent. Didn't like the gen 8 or 7 legends, and didn't like xerneas. Honestly this is the first time in a while I haven't been completely sure of which version to go with immediately.
Co-op should be fun. Sorta tried to play this way in swsh to limited success by loading into the wild area at the same time, these games are a lot more fun when you take it slow with friends.
Graphics arent great and I don't like the artstyle change, but the framerate in trailers hasn't been noticeably awful so far, and the visuals are a lot more in line with other switch games now. Like they wouldn't stick out to me as bad if I wasn't used to scrutinizing pokemon for its graphics.
All this goodwill will be ruined of course when the battle gimmick is revealed and its fucking awful, and when it becomes clear the games have no lasting content besides doing online battles. At this point I really just want the bare minimum of a comfortable environment to breed and train pokemon for an online metagame that isn't complete garbage