>>50709345Not him, but
>In hundreds of years, Galar will face an energy crisis, and as a result, will be unable to continue containing the fuckmonster we have.>To avoid this fate, I will release the fuckmonster right now, haha, I am a genius, Galar is savedIt's even worse than you thought.
Rose exposing the corruption of the league because all of Galar's pensions and retirements are tied up in Leon's success and brand, in a downward spiral of graft, incompetence, greed, and more graft eventually leading to a financial crises, inevitably blamed on some flavor of the month disaster, and the loss is covered by more graft and absorbed into the military industrial complex, leaving Rose as the shit-smeared hero of a story that doesn't deserve one would be a much better story, but one TPC isn't able to write, and kids these days on their smartphones with bugs in their anus wouldn't be interested in anyways.