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No.50695433 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Imagine FRLG with
>Explorable Cinnabar volcano
>Janine cameo in Fuschia gym (battle as gym trainer)
>Hikeable Mt. Moon in postgame
>Golbat, Butterfree, Scyther and Gyarados learning Fly
>SS. Anne as a postgame battle facility with its captain as leader
>Vs. Seeker working on caves, forest and gyms
>Occasional postgame Rocket raids on random places trying to get back in power, Lead by Archer and Ariana
>Mew island in Kanto and not in Hoenn
>South Cerulean daycare being able to breed
>Wild but rare Mr.Mime, Jynx, Farfetch'd, Lickitung and Lapras in routes
>Soil to plant berries in your home