>>50766966>Unsupervised internet access at a young ageThe pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural.
- fatherless
- radicized on the internet by alt-right/alt-left bogans
- cries about degeneracy ruining western society yet touches himself to a yellow dog with tits or a so-called 1,000 year old dragon that just so happens to look like a 9 year old girl, and is also on a blacklist for pet adoption centers
- is part of a nationalist group but is also a weeaboo who spent his allowance savings on a shitty Walmart katana and poorly-dubbed/translated anime & manga
- says he wants to reinstate Hitler's final solution regarding da jooz, fantasizes over Ben Shapiro's wife
- believes that Jews are subhuman while also at the same time believing that they control the world
- subscribes to many crackhead conspiracy like the Earth being Quandale Dingle's left nutsack and how the alphabet song has ties to Nazi occult research and the CIA's Project MKUltra
- derails multiple 4chan threads screaming about gay people and proceed to watch videos of THOTs scissoring each other on Porn Hub with a premium account thanks to Mommy's Credit Card™
>is more than likely on a watchlist of some sort, and not just the FBI's>not allowed within a certain distance of any school>constantly defends himself after watching furry femboy porn by saying he expected Jetstream Sam from MGR:R to "interrupt it any minute now">is a creep and no woman wants to be near him, blames women for not wanting his dick so he calls them a foid, and probably has an active account for some incel forum and unknowingly befriended an FBI agent on the site (lol)>black men with large genitals are rent-free and constantly posts "perfect for BBC" on every post he sees with a woman in it, and later goes on a rant about the great replacement>transgender people are also the same way with him, replying with YWNBAW to every post he sees (99.999% of the time not even having to do with any form of sexuality)