>>50794913Seismitoad is basically the #2 rain sweeper in the game behind Barraskewda. It sees consistently high usage and success on OU rain teams, and if it could still jump up a tier, it'd most likely finish this Gen in OU.
>DruddigonIs kinda shit. It's just a Glare spreader at this point. Fairies keepin' a good man down
>BraviaryIt's okay, decent NU 'mon all things considered. Its speed tier keeps it from greatness unless you're playing in a DMax format
>GarbodorHas definitely seen better days. It's constantly threatened out by the Pokemon it's supposed to counter because they all carry Psychic type attacks. All it does now is threaten spikes, and low tiers have a load of defoggers to choose from that aren't all that bad.
>Unfezant and MusharnaUnfezant got Brave Bird and now has higher attack and speed than Lucario. It's not good by any means, but since it has Brave Bird, it serves a role as physical Inteleon. It crits on just about every attack, and its crit Brave Birds are strong enough to OHKO defensive staples in low tiers, like Garbodor, Braviary, and Silvally. Even fully physically defense invested Garbodor is eating 75% from Brave Bird.
As for Musharna, it receives that placement for one reason and one reason only - it's the best low tier Trick Room setter. If you're running Trick Room in a format that doesn't allow Cresselia or Porygon 2, it is your best option.