>>50809851>thirsty guardsjust drop a Fresh Water in front of them, and if they're not happy with it, they can go fuck themselves
>SnorlaxI'd catch it while sleeping
>Sudowoodowould do what you do in a playthrough, beat Whitney and get Squirtbottle
>Rage Candy Bar guythreaten it with my Gyarados, can go fuck himself
>Footprints guyerase them quickly and just ignore him
>stupid Wailmersfight them
>clownswould do what you do in a playthrough, get the Poketch
>Galactic Grunts - Route 205ignore them, eventually beat them
>reporters - Route 212 Gate>daycarefags - Route 209 Gateintimidate them with a cute cat and a cute bird
>Psyduckscatch them
>Sinnoh's "muh blackout"hatch an egg in front of him
>Plasma Grunts - Pinwheelfight them
>bridge is liftedcan't do shit
>Skyarrow reparation (BW2)which I could do something about it
>Noooo mountain dangerous (BW2)Can't really fight an E4's decision at this point, eh ^^"
>Route 10 (BW2)go over the fences, or just use Strength whatever
>Kalos' "muh blackout"literally just ignore him
>Tauroscan't do shit, too strong
>Stoutlandjust go on Tauros and tackle it