>>50821086Magma Storm becomes 100% accurate and has the same trapping effect Sandaconda/Centiskorch’s G-Max moves (they keep the target trapped even if you switch out or get KO’d).
A lot of people think Levitate would make it broken, which it would make it great, but nothing OU can’t handle. It’s still allergic to common offensive moves in Fighting and Water, and you’d need to choose between a Fire Immunity for Volcarona, or a Ground immunity for Spikes and Landorus-T.
Making Magma Storm like G-Max Sandblast would be insanely game breaking. So much so that Ubers might ban Heatran too.
Just imagine, your opponent sends out any Heatran check, you click Magma Storm while Heatran is holding Binding Band, and now that target is trapped for 7 whole turns if they don’t have U-turn or Shed Shell, and effective 6 turns if they have Teleport or Parting Shot (since Heatran has taunt).
If they had Volt Switch as their only means of escaping, you can switch to Garchomp or Landorus-T, set up 6 turns worth of boosts, and then sweep. In Ubers, you could Magma Storm+Taunt Blissey, then switch in Calyrex-Shadow to set up Substitute with multiple Nasty Plots.