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I'm a bort yet I did a list of useless Gen 5 Pokémon

No.50835581 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Goal: removing useless mons to avoid bloating
>Patrat, Watchog
You already have Lillipup's line, just use a rodent from a previous gen
>elemental monkeys
they're just pretty much weaker than anything else of their type. this is the gen with Lilligant, Darmanitan and Seismitoad, mind you.
like for Patrat, you already have Timburr's line, on the same route too. just use something from a previous gen
should've had an evolution straight away. also, why is it so stupidly hard to catch??
>Ducklett, Swanna
literally just use Wingull
only out of spite that it doesn't serve as a Luvdisc evo. aside from this, it's pretty useful with its role of "Water Audino"
just make Klink a two-stage line
use something from a previous gen, we have both Axew and Deino's lines already
literally just use Tauros
Total: 17 (16 without Alomomola)

Is it too few? Is it too much? which ones should have I included/excluded? Discuss