>>50842376Pokemon fans love to rant about how their franchise has turned for the worse and how the main developers keep flubbing their best prospects for improving the games but also get strangely defensive whenever there's any Digimon discussion going around, like they subconsciously know Digimon is a better franchise and it's only brought back by it's lack of marketing power and profitability compared to other Bandai Namco cashcows.
The thing is: The majority of pokemon fans never got ahold of a Digimon game in their lives, this demonstrates their true lack of sense towards other franchises. A normie wouldn't care less about brand rivalries or concepts like market shareholding, but a Pokemon "fan" gets pissy when confronted to any other type of brand that involves catching and training monsters because they know that aside from popularity Pokemon has nothing else going for it, so they make sure to create these stupid comparisons by calling designs they don't like "Digimon-looking" to try and demoralize casual fans of other games, when they can't even begin to describe what the average Digimon looks like. Overall, it's a good thing that with a new franchise head-producer (that Pripara guy), Digimon seems to be expanding their image and range for more mature stories like with the Tamers anime and Cyber Sleuth, and with a VN/JRPG game nonetheless, while Pokemon keeps reaching low after low with the Pokemon Company's mismanagement and their giant pedantic fanbase.