>>50854438>>50854438Cause it'd take away sales from the mainline games and would cost money to create in whatever gimmicky way that Ninty/Gamefreak/whoever it is that makes it anymore would approve of it.
You just know that compared to showdown, it'd be much more slower paced, have some really awkward match up/friend code system, be intensely moderated, have the two rules choices of "everything goes" and "extra strict super competition rules of current gen legitimate movesets also half the moveset is banned" and would almost certainly have some other dumb design choices that make it harder to just throw a team together or choose to fight in certain rules/tiers.
Because of the money part, there'd be some subscription cost for sure, and they'd make it either costly enough to compensate that it would impact main game sales or they'd implement some features that require to be purchased or some shit.
While writing this I did consider that they'd prolly also implement some cool thing like being able to take a snapshot of your mainline game team with their moves, items, IV/EV's etc and upload that to the battle simulator so you could test your team against others - but then that made me wonder if that'd actually be how they lock portions of the battle sim. Can't play current gen unless you own the current gen game, can't use a mon unless you've owned it in the game (maybe restrictions about learnset availability and levels until youve hit those ingame too), etc, on top of also still needing some subscription to play battle sim.
I wouldn't be surprised if it happened one day but I don't trust that it'd be as freeform as showdown and they definitely wouldn't do it without finding a way to drain their consumers more.