>>50857772First you hug her firmly but tenderly, wrapping your arms around her pedicel. You gradually work your way up, first rubbing her sepal as you nuzzle her petals, then grabbing and kissing the undersides of her petals outright. As she begins to open up and blossom, you lick the interior of her petals until she is fully spread open. Then begin to bring your body inside of her flower, writhing as she does, bumping the filaments and style of her stamen and pistil. After she's generated a lot of pollen, start sucking on each of her anthers, swallowing every jet of pollen she emits. Once you've cleaned them all good and well, her pistil should be engorged and her stimga absolutely soaked. Give a courtesy lick to the stigma if you like, but at this point, you're ready to stick your cock right inside of her. Start gentle because her petals will already be flimsy and loose by this point, but don't be afraid to escalate with time. Soon she'll be reduced to a drooling blob of sap and aloe, barely even able to comprehend pleasure at this point, which is the perfect time to unleash your own seed balls-deep into her ovule, where it will collect in the receptacle. Thankfully, plant girls have daily seasons so while she'll be bare and bald once you're through, she'll be ready in bloom by the next morning.