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No.50857575 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Recently we had a thread like this and it was pretty fun. Post your idea for a Pokemon typing, stats, unique ability/move, the inspiration, ect.

Crosuphier is a dark/ghost type based on the concept of crossroads and deals with the devil

The design would be a cute little demon thing holding a guitar but when it attacks it strums the guitar and sends out a big monsterous shadow

Ability: ethereal song
Any sound based effects are increased by +1 for instance screech instead of decreasing the targets defense by 2 would instead be 3

Special move: Contract Tune 1pp always connects
Crosuphier locks it's target into a deal trading it's life for power. The target's attack and special attack are maxed out but it's health is set to 1 and cannot be restored for the remainder of the battle.

Also all it's stats are mid besides speed because it relies heavily on it's sound based schtick