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Some people (understandably) actually think it's a Pseudo as is. Especially since Hydreigon has too retarded of evolution levels to actually act as a pseudo outside of competitive, and Salamence/Metagross set the two-Pseudo precedent.
Probably the OG pseudo-pseudo. Really strong, requires investment, and was, back in the day, almost a secret. Raise the piece of shit fish, get the sea dragon.
Hits most of the required points. Late final evolution with dogshit pre-evos, has an immunity (haha Goodra), has pretty good stats.
Maybe not one by intent, but Alakazam, if you can get it, usually shits on the entire game, has always been at least a decently good pokemon, and getting through Abra is tough.
Gengar is a similar case, though Ghastly is really good, so maybe not.
Specifically (and thus weakly) in Sun and Moon. Rufflet is gotten early, is an early game power spike, then drastically falls off for 90% of the game. Then it evolves at the last minute, and it's... okay.
Hard to say. This fucker is borderline mythical, not legendary, because of the pants on head retarded hoops you have to go through to get it. And then it's one of the most "meh" pokemon to ever exist. I'd say no. Pseudo-Mythical seems about right.
Actually, throw Spiritomb in there, too.
Needs a stone, but otherwise, fits a lot of the bills, and while its overall BST isn't quite there... you fucking know if it got bumped up to Pseudo-stats, they'd be pissed away on its Attack, which it would never ever use. I consider it close enough.