SwSh DLC 3 would be Hellspawn ridge. I know the name might be triggering to some, but it is badass. It adds in the rest of the Pokémon in. You can find Pokémon up to level 100, and every trainer doesn’t fuck around. The story is you meet up with some outlaw named darvan. He is on the run from the guardians of Hellspawn Ridge: the outlookers. You have to take on all 4 bases, fight the boss, and catch the main legendary, previously owned by the boss: Terchunch. TerChunch is a Fighting/Ground Minotaur who can create mountains by stomping wildly. It has the ability Sheer Force. It’s Signature move Geologic rampage; which is a ground type Flare Blitz where Terchunch literally charges at you with it’s axe, and causes a tectonic eruption, but also uses a lot of energy. TerChunch’s Base Stats is 115, 150, 165, 70, 85, 50. You can also catch all of the mythicals through really insane super bosses. Also, you can find version exclusives here, including wild legendaries with flaring aura, but you have to kill them before catching them. Obviously this area would be to epic for the main story, so just in case some played beats the first level 80+ fight with some pre badge 1 endeavor strat, the game only lets you access a level nerfed version of the first two areas before beating the game (Crowned Tundra did this). Also, it would be to epic to be rated E, even though 70% of 2000’s-2010’s kids have seen some R rated stuff on the internet.