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No.50885460 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
ITT we think of the worst possible outcomes for these games, and I mean the WORST.

>Game Freak finds that the scope of the newest games are too big
>They end up going silent and don't reveal a single other thing about the games
>Mystery and mass confusion arise through the community wondering what the hell is going on as release day grows closer without any new info besides the two trailers
>November comes without any fanfare, games are released silently
>As it turns out, the game is either incredibly glitchy, unable to handle the Switch's underpowered hardware
>Or it's just insultingly small, something that could have been made in Roblox Studio in less than a week
>Half of the promised Pokémon that even showed up in the trailers don't even appear
>Some spots where trainers should have been are clearly missing
>Empty locations where Gym Leaders should have been, nothing much to do but wander around aimlessly
>Nemona is really the only character in game that shows a hint of personality, everyone else is just NPC drovel
>You and your half baked starters (which gain no extra typing upon evolution) are simply doomed to wander an empty $60 dollar playground, wondering what could have been

I'd write more, but limits are a thing